This may be the September Bloom post but it sure feels a lot like August. It's been in the mid 90's every day and very little rain. There are leaves falling but only because it's too hot and dry for them. They've given up!
Luckily the flowers don't really seem to mind. It's amazing what good soil and mulch can do. Here's a few of the plants still blooming:

This is one of my favorite new flowers. I grew this Blue Lobelia from seeds given to me by the very generous Nancy Ondra. You can see her beautiful blog about her garden at
I love blue flowers and there seems to be an abundance right now.

This Ageratum, also know as Blue Mistflower, grows wild on our property. I have moved some to my flower beds but I'll have to watch it. It can be a very "enthusiastic" grower.

This Caryopteris, or Blue Mist Spirea, is also doing wonderfully right now especially when it's surrounded by a lovely pink flowered Aster. The bonus is the bees, butterflies and even spiders love it too.

The berries on this Brandywine Viburnum are changing from green to pink to blue. They make a stunning addition to the garden and birds love the berries. The foliage also turns a beautiful, burgundy color in the fall.

Another favorite this time of year is the jewel tone berries of Purple Beautyberry. This plant is still small but my friend has a plant that is six feet tall and wide. I can't wait for mine to be that big. It has a lovely arching form and birds are supposed to love the berries. I also have a white variety but it is pouting after its move to the farm and hasn't produced any berries. Maybe next year.
I still have a few daylilies that are blooming. For most of them this is a rebloom and not their normal bloom time but there are a few late season varieties out there too.

One of the tallest and latest blooming daylilies I have is 'Autumn Minaret'. It's registered at 66" which makes it taller than my 5'2" daughter.

The garden has a different feel than it had in the height of summer but I am really appreciating the jeweled tones and changing textures as the grasses and woody shrubs take over. Hopefully with a little rain and cooler temperatures we will be able to enjoy the garden for another 6-8 weeks. I hope you are enjoying yours also.
Happy Gardening!
Spectacular Day lilies…your berries are drool worthy ..although new for me they are lovely..Happy blogger blooms day.
Thank you. So glad you stopped by for a look. Happy bloom day to you too.
Your flowers are beautiful. Blue blooms are so rare but you have a good selection. And WOW! What a tall daylily! That’s impressive.