It's a very busy time of year around here. School is starting, seeds need collected and plants need moved but all of that has to stop when the fruit is ripe and it's time to make jelly.
I make a lot of jams and jellies. It is our go to gift for friends and family. We grow a lot of our fruit for our preserves. On the left is Blackberry Jelly from our blackberries at the house. Those plants are going to be dug up soon and moved to the farm.
Next in the line-up is Peaches and Cream Jam. We do have peach trees but they rarely produce fruit for us. We almost always get hit by a late freeze that destroys our crop. I bought these peaches from an organic supplier that we order fruit from.
The third type of jelly is Elderberry. The elderberry bushes were on our property when we bought it. I have never made anything with elderberries before but the jelly is fantastic. We will definitely be doing that again.
Last, but never least, is Blueberry Jam. We have seven large blueberry bushes at the house and pick blueberries by the gallon. I have seven new bushes ready to plant at the farm and have a few more plants started from cuttings. Hopefully we won't have to wait too long for the bushes to produce.
We have a long way to go before we're done for the year. Apples, pears, grapes...